Friday, February 22, 2013


L to R - Elder Baliff, Zone Leader, Elder Krebs, Zone Leader,  & Elder Hernandez, District Leader - So  Valiant!
L to R - Elder Rosales, Elder Lawrence & Elder Rosqvist 
It's great to be part of the Kingdom of God on earth!  We are blessed to receive training from our fearless District Leader each Friday morning. We get to rub elbows with the Elders in our district, zone and southern part of our mission.  We attend zone training once a month and a zone training conference every other month.  Elder Sturgis and I enjoy intimidating the elders.  But it's not as enjoyable when they show off their scriptural prowess.  All is fair is sharing the gospel.  Elders Hernandez, Rosales, Krebs, Baliff are all Spanish-speaking Elders; and Elders Lawrence and Rosqvist are English-speaking like the senior missionaries. Elder Rosales is in our district and he was at the MTC at the same time we were and we even talked with him.  He remembered us but we had a senior moment and it took a while to remember when we talked.  He sat beside us at one of our MTC devotionals and we enjoy feeling of his spirit.  He is from Oceanside, California and prior to joining the church, his plans were to become a catholic priest.  More to come . . . .

LDS Chaplain Promoted!

Chaplain Harms's wife, Heidi made this cake commemorating  his promotion to Major

Chaplain Harms and his Proud Family!
 In all our adventures, one of our favorites is participating with the LDS Chaplains stationed here at Fort Bliss, Texas.
There are two LDS Chaplains currently serving here.  There are quite a few Chaplains at Fort Bliss and we are still trying to meet the ones that are not LDS.  We enjoy Chaplain Harms (Major) and Chaplain Coleman (Major) and we have been blessed by their words of wisdom as they speak regularly at McGregor Range Sacrament Meetings to National Guard and Reserve soldiers that come to Fort Bliss for training prior to deployment.  These men believe in families.  Chaplain Harms has 6 children and Chaplain Coleman has 10 children and their sweetheart wives are amazing!!!

We've enjoyed meeting their children who by the way, are quite resilient. We were honored to be invited to attend his promotion ceremony.  Chaplain Harms has received orders for Permanent Change of Station (PCS) to Fort Lewis, Washington with a combat infantry brigade.  Our understanding is this is quite a feather in his cap for a new Major.  We are sad to see them go but we are happy for their new adventure.

Resiliency Training

Our great, new Resiliency Training Friends in the Gospel!!
FEAR, APPREHENSION, TREPIDATION, INADEQUACY, OVERWHELMING DESIRE TO RUN!! These were some of the feelings we were having prior to presenting our first of four Resiliency Training classes.  The material was difficult for us to understand and we were unsure we believed all that was included.   Elder Sturgis squelched the idea to run (he says it was because he was afraid he'd trip over something he could not see, trying to catch Sister Sturgis as she made her escape), so we began preparing our first class.   We sought help from the other senior military relations missionary couple and they graciously shared their outline/matrix with us.  We read the material and all the materials we received from the Military Relations Department regarding our assignment.  Then we prayed, fasted and prayed some more.  We prepared our outline, prayed and reviewed our presentation several times so we knew who would share which part of the lesson and when.  As we continued in this way for several weeks, we began to notice we were receiving tender mercies from our Lord.  We found Mormon Ads that applied to the specific classes and included them. Fortunately we have much talent in our extended family and we are not shy about asking for help and we did.  Trevor helped us with technical issues/downloads because we were unsure of internet access in the meetinghouse.  We prepared folders for each participant, we attended the other senior missionary couple's resiliency class as they started a week before us so we were able to get an idea for presentation.

Still not enough faith within as we approached the last week before our presentation but we were moving forward obediently.  Then more good news?  We received information that we might have 34 participants in our first class and the recommended class size is 24.  So much for calm.  Even Elder Sturgis could not calm Sister Sturgis!!  We pressed forward for lack of any other logical options.

The day arrived for our first class.  We had arranged to get a key to the building, arrived in the afternoon to set up for the training and realized that we did not have a tablecloth for the table (sure you know who was worried about this). We could not get into the nursery room, the library took approximately 30-40 minutes off and on to get the key to work, and all the time the TV/video was in another room that was not locked. We did not know who the child care workers were or if they were even coming, nor were we aware of who was providing refreshments.  Too many variables for you know who. Time stops for no one, so we continued to the best of our ability and that was questionable by this time. The appointed time arrived and we completed our first class with 17 attendees. 

We continued in prayed and tried to stay calm but most importantly faithful. It's awesome and faith-building when you experience the Holy Ghost in action.  He did exactly what he is called to do and sustained us through this trail of our faith for the good of those in attendance. Did we do what we had rehearsed and prepared?  We are unsure because our memory of this event is fuzzy.  What we were sure of was it was over!!!

Did finally get a tablecloth for our Resilency Class Display (All is right with the world)
Class 3 pertained to children, so Elder Sturgis wanted to have toys! Thank goodness for neighbors!!
We were assured that the Lord was with us.  We continued in the same manner with the next three classes and it seemed to us that each one was better than the previous one. President Smith, 2nd counselor in our stake presidency address the class on the second week. We were encouraged by the fellow-shipping that took place after each class during refreshment time.  New friendships were formed as the participants were from 3 wards. All that came ready to learn, felt the confirming witness of the Spirit when truths were taught.

Our last class was on a particularly busy day and we had a few snags, but once again, we received tender mercies.  We felt we should prepare a refrigerator magnet for each couple, but ran out of time to attach the magnet.  One of our attendees had felt impressed to come early to help.  We were so grateful for her willingness to listen to the still small voice.  She completed the magnets just in time as we finished preparing everything else.

The happenings during this training are many and the miracles just as numerous and for this we are grateful for a loving Heavenly Father and the great gift of the atonement given to us by our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Our testimony of this continues to grow as does our love for our service opportunities.  The gospel of Jesus Christ is the only true church in the universe. The plan of happiness is the only way back to our Heavenly Parents. We remain imperfect but so much happier for the opportunities we have been afforded to feel God's love in our lives.