Monday, December 3, 2012

Service Compadres!

Senior Sisters on the Frontlline
Here we are a bunch of seasoned veterans enjoying a evening comparing notes.  My newly found partners in service are; (from left to right) Sister Hauer, Sister Bodily and yours truly (knew you would have trouble recognizing me now that I am a missionary). The picture was taken at the institute building at UTEP during a single adults family home evening.  Each of these missionaries has a junior companion. How do know they are the senior companion?  It was clearly explained to us at the MTC by President Brown and a visiting general authority that the sisters are the senior companions because the elders have difficulty functioning without the sisters.  Sister Hauer was born in Guam but has lived in Utah for many years. She and Elder Hauer are Military Relations missionaries and are currently our trainers.  Elder and Sister Bodily serve as CES missionaries assigned to the UTEP Institute and the single adult ward.  We all attend FHE and YSA activities together.  Why just last Saturday night we were cutting the rug at a YSA dance.  So what if the music was mostly Latin music and very loud.  Sister Hauer seemed to enjoy visiting with Sister Bodily since Elder Hauer does not dance.  Elder and Sister Bodily were not feeling well so they went home early.  Anyway, there was one song that allowed Elder Sturgis and I to jitterbug.  We like to believe they were smiling with us not at us. Well, it was all in the line of duty!!  This is our story and we are sticking to it!!! More to come. . . . . .

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