Thursday, June 26, 2014

True Joy!

The Joys of Sharing the Gospel!!

10 June 2013
Jose Montoya baptizing his sons
Elder Taylor and Elder Heimberger teachers

Elder Muntzing, Sister Muntzing, Elder Rosales, two new sisters in the gospel, Sister Adams And Sister Pipkin
This was a joyous day in our mission as we had baptisms happening is several zones.  We attended the 2 baptismal services this day.  Brother Montoya had joined the church the year before and was blossoming wonderfully.  He had many challenges to overcome and was devoted to increasing in knowledge and testimony so he could bless others.  His sons had been living with his sister in the Dallas area but they were with him for part of the summer and they were taught the gospel and their father was able to baptize them. Since then, Brother Montoya has remarried to a beautiful LDS young woman and they are doing all they can to have his sons live with them as well as preparing to welcome a new spirit into their home.  He is not military, but our paths seem to continually and we strengthen one another.

The sisters attend the Mission Trails Ward (Spanish-speaking) and we have very little interaction with this ward other than the missionaries call us and invite us to attend the baptisms.  For whatever reason (probably work), the members are few that attend their baptisms.

It is really exhilarating to attend a baptism.  The Holy Ghost attends them all and is spirit is very strong always.  We believe we attend more for ourselves. Each day we try in our own feeble way, follow the admonition of our Prophet and Apostles to invite all to come unto Christ. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is true!!!!!

"Every member of the Church, upon accepting the baptismal covenant, becomes a disciple who has promised to stand as a witness of Jesus Christ at all times in any place he or she may be in.2 The purpose of our witness is to invite people to come unto Him.
All of us should be intensely interested in learning how to issue that invitation effectively. We know from experience that some will not respond. Only a few responded when the Savior Himself offered this invitation during His mortal ministry. But great was His joy in those who recognized His voice. And great has been our joy when those we have invited have come unto Him." ( President Henry B. Eyring)

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